Title IX
Public schools are obligated to comply with Federal Title IX regulations enforced by the U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights (OCR). The PCSD Title IX training addresses the requirements outlined in federal Title IX regulations, including topics such as understanding Title IX, recognizing sexual harassment and misconduct, reporting procedures, confidentiality and privacy, prevention strategies, and compliance with Title IX regulations.
Suicide Prevention and Awareness
The Jason Flatt Act 2016-310 on May 10, 2016, which requires all K-12 public schools to establish a policy, staff training, student curriculum, and list of resources for suicide prevention services.
Click the image below to access the website for the annual ONLINE training.

Mandatory Reporters Training - Erin's Law
Using Chrome Browser, enter https://aldhr.remote-learner.net/
• Click: Get Started
• Click “2020 Mandatory Reporter Trainings” and "2020 Child Abuse Mandated Reporters Training"
• Cookies must be enabled in your browser:
1. On your computer, open Chrome.
2. At the top right, click More > Settings.
3. At the bottom, click Advanced.
4. Under "Privacy and security," click Content settings.
5. Click Cookies.
6. From here, you can:
• Turn on cookies: Next to "Blocked," turn on the switch.
• Turn off cookies: Turn off Allow sites to save and read cookie data
• If this is your first time to complete the training, choose “Is this your first time here?” Click: New Account
• If you have complete a training before, you should have a Username and Password – If you have forgotten either or both, choose “Forgotten your username or password?”
For New Accounts ONLY: Steps
• Check your email for account confirmation
• Confirm account and log in with your new user name and password
Begin the Training Modules
• Click " Child Abuse Mandated Reporters Training”
• Under the Navigation Heading Click “Why Report” Be sure to read and complete all modules completely – You cannot skip straight to the quiz, all sections must be clicked and reviewed.
o Why Report?
o Who Must Report?
o Know the Signs
o Reporting
o Outcomes
• After all sections are complete you will have the option to click “Certificate of Completion”
• Save and/or print the certificate
• Certificates must be on file with the school administrator and on file at the Central Office.
• Substitute Teachers must have an updated certificate on file at the Central Office.
Analynn's Law
Addressing Disproportionality in Schools (Lee vs Macon)
Every year, every teacher, counselor, administrator, and certified employee must review this presentation. (review the linked document "Addressing Disproportionality" below)
You will not need to "re-do" all the components of the Lee vs. Macon training each year, only this first part on Disproportionality.
Instructions for documentation of completion.
PART1 - Addressing Disproportionality
Component 1: View PowerPoint presentation and document evidence of completion. (review the linked document "Addressing Disproportionality" below)
PART 2 - Classroom Management
Component 2: Watch a series of short video and audio presentations.
Write a one-page paper based on the information presented in the videos. Save this document to a word document (Document 1_Name)
Navigating an IRIS STAR Legacy Module
Learning the Components of a Comprehensive Behavior Management Plan
Use a word document to answer questions 1-5. Save to a word document. (Document 2_Name)
Developing Your Own Comprehensive Behavior Management Plan (part 1)
Once you have completed PERSPECTIVES & RESOURCES return to page 9 to develop your own action plan.
Save your action plan on a word document. (Document3_Name)
Developing Your Own Comprehensive Behavior Management Plan (part 2)
Use a word document to answer questions 1-5. Save to a word document. (Document4_Name)
PART 3 - Makes Sense Strategies
Component 3: Review different graphic organizers and reflective routines based on content areas taught. Write a one-page paper based on the selection of two components discussing the implementation of those components in instruction. Save this as a word document
Addressing Disproportionality in Alabama Schools
MSS professional development training must be conducted annually for all newly hired teachers, administrators, evaluators and others, as appropriate; in Alabama Public Schools.
MSS professional development is organized into four parts. Complete the training in the order in which it is presented, starting with Part I: Introduction, Part II: Specific Discipline, Part III: Big Bang Graphic Organizer Instructional Routines, and ending with Part IV: Teacher Assessment.
Handouts for the MSS professional development video series are located in each training section part. To view and print handouts for each part of MSS professional development, click on the title of each clip. If you have problems with the handout or teacher assessment, try downloading the document to your desktop. Then open it from your saved file.
Once you have completed all four parts of the MSS training save your documents.
Your completion of the Lee vs Macon training should be documented in TNL records (previously known as Chalkable).
As a teacher new to PCSD, you will complete your work and documentation and submit it to your building administrator. Your school administrator can review your documentation here and approve your TNL PD credit and supply you with a signed copy of this certificate for your records. Please make 3 copies of this signed certificate. Give one to your building administrator, give one to Sharon Anderson at the central office, and keep one for your records. Don't forget to document your 12 hours of training in TNL as an external credit request.
Click the document below to access the Alabama State Department of Education's Disproportionality PowerPoint.